Traveling with little ones in tow can seem like a daunting task at times! But with a little planning, and armed with the right tools, you can have that mimosa you so rightfully deserve soaring at 40,000 feet in the air, while the kids take a nap or occupy themselves with the amazing assortment of activities you’ve packed. Yeah, we like to dream big!
While the safest place for little ones is strapped into their car seats on the plane, sometimes it doesn't work out or in some cases is even allowed (we're looking at you, booster seats!). When a seat can't be taken on the plane with you, then the next safest place for it is checked inside a sturdy travel bag like the Clek Weelee, or in the original box the seat came in.

If you can however, bring their car seat on board. This will make them feel more comfortable because they’re sitting in a familiar seat, and they’ll be less likely to scream, cry and fuss. They will also be safely restrained during take-off, landing, and everything in between.

Second guessing bringing the car seat on board because of the extra weight and hassle? Don't! With a travel cart you'll be able to easily navigate thru the airport with your child AND car seat using a single hand. Add a narrow car seat like the Foonf or Fllo to the mix and you may even be able to roll it right down the aisle of the plane to your seating row!

Now you've got them onboard, but how do you keep them occupied and quiet? Toys, toys, toys. Bring an activity bag or a busy book on board with you. It provides an opportunity for bonding time, and it keeps your child entertained. Give them noise-cancelling headphones to keep them focused on whatever they're watching/listening to, and muffle the sound of the plane engines to help them stay calm. It'll also help YOU stay calm by ensuring you don't have to listen to "Let It Go" on repeat. You get enough of that at home.
If all else fails, you've done the best you can, and it will all be worth it when you reach your destination!